Accelerating Learning For All
Secure Browser

Download Secure Browser

Get started by downloading and installing the Secure Browser for your operating system.

If you are using Chromebooks or iPads, read these instructions.

Is Secure Browser Installed Correctly?

Before testing your students, verify that Secure Browser is installed correctly.

Tests Affected

If Secure Browser is required by your district, it must be installed to administer the following Star tests:

Star Early Literacy
Star Reading
Star Math
Star Early Literacy Spanish
Star Reading Spanish
Star Math Spanish

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Secure Browser?

It's a third-party browser by Respondus® (similar to Safari, Firefox, or Chrome) that is used to take certain Star tests. Students are unable to copy, print, access other applications, or visit other websites during an online exam. Secure Browser also blocks hundreds of common and advanced methods of cheating such as the use of Virtual Machines, remote desktops, screen sharing, instant messaging, screen recording, keystroke combinations, and launching applications.

Why is Secure Browser required for Star testing?

Your district has required that Secure Browser is installed on computers used to take certain Star tests. This helps to prevent students from using the internet, other software, and prevent cheating. Devices without Secure Browser installed cannot be used to take Star tests.

I downloaded Secure Browser, but how do I install it?

For directions, see the Help page for Macintosh and Windows or Chromebooks and iPads.

How do I enable Secure Browser?

Once Secure Browser is installed on computers that take Star tests, you can enable it by going into the Edit Preferences, and under the District Preferences. This is only available to administrators, and will require Secure Browser to be installed on any computer where Star tests are taken.

On what devices is Secure Browser compatible?

Secure Browser is currently compatible with Windows, Macintosh, Chromebooks and iPads. For assistance, see the Help page for Macintosh and Windows or Chromebooks and iPads. For additional assistance contact support at

How does the district require the Secure Browser?

Only district administrators can change the district-level preference in Renaissance. They can require the Secure Browser to be installed on all computers students use to take Star tests. Learn more.